and went into the gift shop. I know its not "shopping" but it really is worse as it's only going to be something I have no need for.
I didn't buy anything but I went in twice once at the start and once when we went to leave.
Tonight I spent the night looking at handbags on Ebay, bid on two... watched like 5!
So here are my items, I almost called them confessions:
Why I wanted a calculator for work that had at least 12 digits, I found this in japan its 12 digits and has cat what more can I say
When April 09
What Almost everyday since I got it, love it
Do Yep
Why I think because I had been paid and felt like buying something... Money-pocket-hole.
When July 10
What once or twice since i got it, was on special for only $12
Do Turns out the bottom two have aniseed... which i don't like, as much as i try so i can only use the top one, so sort of?
Why I watched that thing on the ABC where they interview the oldies, and one of the had wished they had put on more hand cream when they were younger. After the i started trying different and creams.
When Aug 2010
What almost everyday
Do Best one i found and its cheap
Why I break headphone. I wanted some retro ones but didn't think I would use them all that much. Found these for $20, they were kind of what I was after and if I broke them or didn't wear them it would be OK. Was going to cover the writing but never got around it to.
When Nov 2010
What Most days at work
Do Yep think i will make them more pretty tho

Why To avoid shopping I started gardening. I love fuchsias .
When Dec 2010
What Everyday
Do Yep
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